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military recall

Military Recall - Nearly 95,000 soldiers have chosen to serve their country in the Individual Reserve. (Sgt. Brian Hamilton/US Army)

Did you know that once you join, Uncle Sam can keep you there longer than you planned - or that you can be recalled to active duty after you leave or retire?

Military Recall

Military Recall

As the name suggests, this extension depends on service members. If you serve in an assignment, location, or service unit, you become a volunteer. You can extend your service after the usual end date.

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If you do, you are eligible for additional incentive pay (AIP) of up to $1,500 per month. Monthly payments, billing, locations, special offers and restrictions vary by service.

Unlike voluntary extensions, this happens whether the service member likes it or not. Under a program called "stop-loss," it can keep you on active duty beyond your projected release date. This program has been around since 1984 and has been used several times.

A stop loss can be activated at any time during inactivity. This usually requires Congress to declare an act of war or a national emergency. However, if Congress is not in session and the President determines it is in the national interest, he may declare a national emergency and keep any or all of its members on active duty for at least six months or until Congress is called to order.

If you stop losing, the current rules mandate that Uncle Sam pay you an extra $500 each month for your trouble.

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In most cases, not all members will have a stop loss service. There is a stop loss program based on skills and units. This means that you can be retained involuntarily if you have certain valuable skills or "in the interest of unit cohesion".

Most people know that reservists and National Guard members can be called up and sent to war in some cases. What they may not know is that many service members remain in the reserves years after leaving active duty.

The minimum period of service anyone can join is eight years. If you read the fine print on your service contract, you can see that you have four years of active duty and four years of Individual Contingency Reserve (IRR).

Military Recall

IRR differs from active or selected reserves because they do not need to be drilled and are not paid. The IRR remains an adjunct to the active force during emergency situations.

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Rules vary, but in general, reservists can be recalled to active duty for the duration of a declared war or national emergency, plus an additional six months. This declaration of emergency or war must be issued by Parliament. If the House is not in session, the President can use his powers to dismiss them immediately.

In general, active duty reservists - those in the Guard and reservists in training situations - are called first, then IRR, then those who have left active duty within the last five years, then those under 60 years of age.

Barring an emergency, the president can recall up to 200,000 reserves for at least 400 days. When a nation is in a state of national emergency, the president can activate up to one million people by order.

The United States has been in a state of national emergency since November 14, 1979, when the President issued Executive Order 12170. Jimmy Carter 10 days after the start of the Iran hostage crisis. President Donald Trump continued the order in November 2017.

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You can be referred to any branch and any specialization; It depends on the needs.

When it comes to retaining and recalling retirees and employees, each service handles its own situation.

For example, in the Navy, when soldiers retire after 20 years of active duty, they are transferred to the Fleet Reserve. They remain in the fleet reserve until they have a total of 30 years of service, after which they are reassigned to a retired role. This means that if you are a Navy SEAL who retired 9 years ago, you can be recalled to active duty if there is a recall from the reserve.

Military Recall

Other services do not have this condition. This means that if you retire as an NCO or NCO from a service other than the Navy, your time has been served and you will not be recalled.

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Of course, everything is different for officials. Once an employee retires, their commission usually remains in force and effect forever. In exchange for the privilege of legal rights to be determined according to their rank and receiving all pensions, they remain essentially "officers of the United States" until death. They can resign, but few do.

This means that if there is a recall, the official can be reinstated without an act of Congress or a presidential recall.

Federal agencies may also replace civilian employees with special skills in the event of war or a declaration of emergency. This usually fills a support position in the state that has been converted to an operational position in theater.

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Military Recall

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